Sold Specimens,
Gallery A Agates Sold Calcites Sold Mont St-Hilaire Sold NOTE: Agates have been moved to Agates Sold NOTE:
Analcime, Ankerite & Astrophyllite from Mont St-Hilaire
ADAM8-2 Adamite $48 SOLD Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico 9 x 5 x 2 cm A
rich covering of yellow Adamites (Zn2(AsO4)(OH))
on a plate of Limonite, with bright green fluorescence under SWUV. AER9-1 Aerinite $28 SOLD Ouarzazate Province, Souss-Massa-Draâ Region, Morocco 4.7 x 4.1 x 1.8 cm Aerinite, as in this fibrous blue specimen, has quite a formula: Ca5(Fe3+,Al,Fe2+,Mg)(Al,Mg)6[HSi12O36(OH)12][(CO3)1.2(H2O)12]. Most Aerinite looks like a piece of mountain leather painted blue by a 4-year-old, and this one is no exception.
Agrellite (Type Locality) $25 SOLD 4.5 x 5.2 x 4 cm I did better on capturing the true color of the fluorescent pink for this Agrellite (NaCa2[F|Si4O10]) than the one further below. It also has a few patches of black Magnesioferrikatophorite and red Eudialyte that don't fluoresce but add geek interest, if being from a type locality doesn't already make your heart beat faster. This rock has a nice bright pink color to add to your SWUV fluorescent light shows and help non-collectors understand what it is that we love about fluorescent rocks.
AGR8-1 Agrellite (Type Locality) $30 SOLD Kipawa Alkaline Complex, Sheffield Lake, Villedieu Township Témiscamingue Co., Québec, Canada 11.2 x 4 x 2.2 cm Agrellite (NaCa2[F|Si4O10]) is one of the few minerals that fluoresce bright pink. The color is a purer pink than my photo, which seems to have acquired a bit of purple. This particular piece is good-sized and quite rich in Agrellite; one surface is 95% Agrellite while the other side displays about 50%. It also contains a few flecks of black Magnesioferrikatophorite and a bit of red Eudialyte. The green spots visible on the far right of the SWUV photo are supposed to be thorium-bearing Calcite, but there's not enough to excite my Geiger counter. This rock has a nice bright pink color to add to your fluorescent displays.
AJO6-1 Ajoite $28 SOLD Ajo Mine, Ajo, Little Ajo Mts, Ajo District, Pima Co., Arizona (TL) 4.3 cm x 3.8 cm x 2.1 cm Needles of green-blue Ajoite (K,Na)Cu7[(OH)6|AlSi9O24] · 3H2O from the type locality are visible with the naked eye, but are much prettier with a loupe or microscope. Some dark material is sprinkled over the Ajoite, but even at 60x, there is no visible crystal structure in the overlying dark material to aid in guessing its identity.
AMAZ9-4 Microcline var. Amazonite $18 SOLD Smoky
Hawk claim, Crystal Peak area, Teller Co., Colorado Amazonite, a variety of Microcline (KAlSi3O8) has a color that is totally unique in the mineral world, and until recently it was not known what caused that color. Thanks to analytical chemistry, we now know that lead (Pb) is responsible for that amazing "robin's egg blue". This piece has very good color, even deeper than what my computer monitor is showing.
Analcime, Prehnite and Laumontite ex John Betts $85 This specimen from the private collection of dealer John Betts displays white Analcime (Na2[Al2Si4O12] · 2H2O) crystals on botryoidal green Prehnite (Ca2Al2Si3O12(OH)) with small sprays of silky white Laumontite (CaAl2Si4O12·4H2O) on basalt from a triassic traprock quarry worked between 1893 and 1925. In the late 1980's, buildings were constructed over the historic quarries, and in the process, blasting produced a few more fine zeolite specimens.
Andradite on Andradite $75 SOLD An elongated, greenish-brown Andradite (Ca3Fe3+2[SiO4]3) sits on top of a pile of equant green Andradites whose faces, but not edges, have a whitish inclusion. A few of the corners of the Andradites are raised; apparently there were a few separate stages of growth here to result in this extremely unusual and aesthetic garnet specimen.
ANNA10-2 Annabergite and Adamite $18 SOLD Km3,
Lavrion, Lavrion District Mines, Attikí Prefecture, Greece This specimen is dotted with bright green blades of Annabergite (Ni3(AsO4)2·8H2O) and pale yellow Adamite (Zn2(AsO4)(OH)) on a limonite matrix, from the premier locality for Annabergite. It is best appreciated if you have a loupe or a microscope, although the crystals are naked-eye visible, including one ball of Adamite jauntily perched on a spray of Annabergite. ANNA10-3 Annabergite, Siderite and Adamite $18 SOLD Km3,
Lavrion, Lavrion District Mines, Attikí Prefecture, Greece Honey-colored rhombs of Siderite provide a background to bright green blades of Annabergite and pale yellow Adamite balls (they look white because my Dino-Lite uses LEDs) in a Limonite vug. ANNA10-4 Annabergite and Adamite $28 SOLD Km3,
Lavrion, Lavrion District Mines, Attikí Prefecture, Greece On this specimen, the Annabergite blades form spiky balls, richly scattered amidst pale yellow Adamite on a scrap of Limonite.
ANNA10-1 Annabergite, Calcite and Adamite $12 SOLD Km3,
Lavrion, Lavrion District Mines, Attikí Prefecture, Greece In addition to bright green blades of Annabergite and pale yellow Adamite, this specimen has some little Calcites, the largest of which is 2 mm and just left of center. The Calcite fluoresces red and the Adamite fluoresces very pale yellow under SWUV.
ANNA9-1a Annabergite and Calcite $89 SOLD Km3,
Lavrion, Lavrion District Mines, Attikí Prefecture, Greece This
is my best and
prettiest Annabergite specimen;
it was in my collection for years (ok, this one is NOT from Tucson,
you got me). The blades of Annabergite
form two fans that are easy
to appreciate by the naked eye. The matrix is Calcite with a partial
cream-colored coating.
The matrix and coating both fluoresce red in SWUV.
Minas Gerais, Brazil 6.4 x 3.7 x 3 cm Apatite has the enviable ability to come in many colors, some of which fluoresce yellow, some pink. This one has a moderately strong yellow and is a nice crystal, in addition. Along the top, there is some other unknown material adding its own cream-white fluorescence.
Anapaite in Fossil Clam Shell $48 SOLD Green Anapaite Ca2Fe2+[PO4]2· 4H2O crystals fill the remnants of a pair of fossil clam shells in matrix.
Garnet variety Andradite $30 SOLD A very fine assemblage of dark coffee-colored Andradite garnets, different from the more usual light greenish-brown Stanley Butte specimens.
A mirror-bright vein of native Antimony (Sb) runs through this specimen, displaying some crystal faces. I'm not sure why mineral people always use "native" in front of any naturally-occuring pure element, except perhaps to emphasize that it occurred in its pure form without help from any refinery?
Apatite-(CaF) $65 SOLD Another Apatite specimen, but this time of the fluorine-rich variety formerly called Fluorapatite (Ca5[F|(PO4)3]). This thumbnail has dark green inclusions except at the outer edge, which grades to colorless, clear Apatite. The edges are nicely beveled with extra crystal faces, and there is another tiny Apatite and some matrix attached, making an aesthetic presentation. It fluoresces yellow--orange under SWUV, and the edges are especially bright.
Apatite $75 SOLD Two sharply-formed, pale gray-green crystals of Apatite in a V-formation. There are only three similar photos on, so I assume this find was rather limited. All three mindat pieces also contain magnetite. This specimen has some metallic material on the bottom that is probably magnetite. Dmitriy Belakovskiy said an analysis of material from this find indicates that while it does contain Chlorine, it is not enough to be Chlorapatite, so I have labeled it simply as Apatite. The main crystals fluoresce a pinkish color under SWUV. An interesting piece for a collector who appreciates the varied habits and colors of this ubiquitous phosphate.
Apophyllite-(KF) $25 SOLD A curiously flat, tabular crystal of Fluorapophyllite, now called Apophyllite-(KF) (KCa4[(F,OH)|Si8O20] • 8H2O), from the well-known locality of Nasik. While the body is opaque white, the very outermost edges grade to clear. An interesting and different toenail-sized mineral specimen.
Aragonite Stalactite $75 SOLD This is a very interestingly-shaped Aragonite (CaCO3) that reminds me of a couple of ballet dancers. Its photo has already been posted to by Rob Lavinsky, and it has been in the Seaman Museum and the Robbe Collection. Curiously, it fluoresces yellow (not green, like most fluorescent Aragonites) under both SWUV and LWUV. Not your run-of-the-mill Aragonite specimen, and a real attention-grabber.
AgG9-1 Argentiferous Galena $42 SOLD Eagle Mine, Gilman, Gilman District, Eagle Co., Colorado 5.8 cm x 3.8 cm x 2.5 cm Galena (PbS) and Silver (Ag) mixed together is known as Argentiferous Galena. Under the loupe or microscope, you can see that what appears to be rough, distorted crystals are actually mounds of crystals that show both square and hexagonal faces. Galena is known to form pseudohexagonal twins, so I suppose that could be what is happening here, especially with the Silver wild card thrown in.
ARH9-1 Arhbarite and Conichalcite $95 SOLD El
Guanaco Mine, Guanaco, Santa Catalina, Antofagasta Province, Antofagasta
Region, Chile Spears of green Conichalcite (CaCuAsO4(OH)) impale balls of blue Arhbarite (Cu2Mg[(OH)3|AsO4]) in a richly mineralized vug. The balls of Arhbarite on Conichalcite are visible with the unaided eye, although a loupe or a microscope enhances the view.
ALAMP9-1 Arsenolamprite in Calcite $25 SOLD Gabe
Gottes Mine, Ste Marie-aux-Mines (Markirch), 3 cm x 2.4 cm x 2.2 cm Arsenolamprite is a fancy name for native Arsenic (As), and it hails from the French city that hosts Europe's second largest mineral show, Ste Marie-aux-Mines. This specimen comes with the previous owner's label.
Arsenopyrite in Quartz $52 SOLD A crystal of Arsenopyrite (upper left) plunges deeply into a Quartz crystal. Behind the Quartz is some more Arsenopyrite (FeAsS to (Fe0.9Co0.1)AsS), Muscovite and Chalcopyrite.
Artinite $19 SOLD Spikey white Artinite Mg2[(OH)2|CO3] · 3H2O crystals like a patch of white grass.
AZ10-2 Azurite on Kaolinite Siltstone $85 SOLD Malbunka
Copper Mine, Areyonga, Alice Springs, Gardiner Range, Northern Territory,
Australia A fine single disk with completely intact edges on white siltstone. AZ10-11 Azurite on Kaolinite Siltstone $65 SOLD Malbunka
Copper Mine, Areyonga, Alice Springs, Gardiner Range, Northern Territory,
Australia A large single disk with intact edges except for a small part of the bottom. Being without matrix, you get to see the interesting back side, which is completely different from the front.
AZ10-5 Azurite on Kaolinite Siltstone $55 SOLD Malbunka
Copper Mine, Areyonga, Alice Springs, Gardiner Range, Northern Territory,
Australia Five single disks and one double (bottom center) on white siltstone. Two of the singles have incomplete arcs as they approach the specimen's outer edge, but I see siltstone residue on one of those disk edges, so apparently that one at least (maybe the other also) grew that way. At top center in the photo, you can see a speck of green Malachite. AZM9-1 Azurite and Malachite on Kaolinite Siltstone SOLD Malbunka
Copper Mine, Areyonga, Alice Springs, Gardiner Range, Northern Territory,
Australia My largest specimen of this type - guaranteed to direct attention to your mineral cabinet! The back side has a tiny (0.8 cm) disk that has altered to green Malachite (Cu2[(OH)2|CO3]), somewhat unusual for these specimens. |
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