Sold Specimens,
Gallery T Agates Sold Calcites Sold Mont St-Hilaire Sold
TALC8-1 Talc and Tremolite $35 SOLD Gouverneur
Talc Mine, Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., New York Under SWUV, the Talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) fluoresces yellow and the Tremolite ([Ca2][Mg5][(OH)2|Si8O22]) is a pale peach color that the camera did not pick up. There are some 3 - 4 cm Tremolite crystals near the top of the specimen, embedded in the Talc, and smaller ones sprinkled throughout. This specimen was one of my first attempts to do photography on fluorescent minerals, and it definitely looks better in person than in the SWUV photo. The color is actually closer to the Polylithionite photo further down on this page. TAP10-1 Tapiolite-Fe $48 SOLD Quixaba
pegmatite, Frei Martinho, Borborema mineral province, Paraíba,
Brazil A very fine, sharp and relatively large crystal of the rare species, Tapiolite-(Fe) : (Fe,Mn)(Ta,Nb)2O6 .
THAU9-2 Thaumasite and Pectolite $35 SOLD Upper
New Street Quarry, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey Silky
white cones of Pectolite (NaCa2[HSi3O9]),
many of which are visible at center bottom, are embedded in a bright
white aggregate of micro Thaumasite (Ca3[CO3|SO4|Si(OH)6]
· 12H2O) crystals. An odd piece from a classic
THEI9-1 Theisite, Azurite and Chrysocolla $55 SOLD Is
Murvonis Mine, Domusnovas, 5.3 cm x 3.4 cm x 1.9 cm This specimen features flat, radial, pale blue-green crystals of Theisite, Cu5Zn5[(OH)7|(AsO4,SbO4)]2, over patches of deep blue Azurite Cu3[OH|CO3]2 and spots of darker blue-green Chrysocolla (Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4·nH2O.
TUG8-1 Phosphorescent Tugtupite (TL) $12 SOLD Narsaq, Kitaa (West Greenland) Province, Greenland 1.9 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm This
is just a tiny specimen, but it glows fiercely red in SWUV and very
similarly but a little less intensely and a little more orange-colored
in LWUV. After illumination with SWUV, it phosphoresces weakly
white - surprisingly not the same color as the fluorescence - for several
seconds. The mineral Tugtupite (Na4[Cl|BeAlSi4O12])
is found in only a few localities (the Kola Peninsula in Russia, Mont
Saint-Hilaire in Canada, and Greenland). It is legendary for its
TUP5-2 Tuperssuatsiaite $58 SOLD Aris Quarries, Aris, Windhoek, Khomas Region, Namibia 4 x 4 x 4.3 cm This specimen of Tuperssuatsiaite (Na2Fe3Si8O20(OH)2·4H2O) has four vugs containing sprays of copper-colored Tuperssuatsiaite. One of the sprays (see the lower right photo) has an unidentified yellow mineral clinging to the Tuperssuatsiaite needles.
TRG5-4 Turgite (mixture of Goethite & Hematite) $65 SOLD Graves Mountain, Lincoln Co., Georgia 5.3 cm x 5.1 cm x 4 cm This Turgite (a mixture of Goethite, α-Fe3+O(OH), and Hematite, Fe2O3) is my favorite of the few I have left because of its large section of iridescent yellow with red and green on the front and a little bit of blue-black on the back. The county fair at which I exhibit each year had Minerals of the USA as its theme this year, as did the Tucson mineral show. I had great fun putting together an educational exhibit with one mineral from each state, including an iridescent Georgia specimen similar to this one. If you’ve never tried to assemble a theme collection before, you might be surprised at how much more exciting each acquisition becomes, and a US-themed collection is a welcome educational exhibit at many schools.
TQ10-3 Turquoise Crystals $30 SOLD
Vielsalm, Stavelot Massif, Luxembourg Province, Belgium Vielsalm is one of very few localities where one can find Turquoise (Cu(Al,Fe3+)6[(OH)4|(PO4)2]2· 4H2O) in crystal form. The close-up photo shows particularly nice balls of Turquoise crystals. They are naked-eye visible, but more fun with a microscope or loupe.
TQ10-4 Turquoise Crystals $28 SOLD
Vielsalm, Stavelot Massif, Luxembourg Province, Belgium Vielsalm is one of very few localities where one can find Turquoise (Cu(Al,Fe3+)6[(OH)4|(PO4)2]2· 4H2O) in crystal form. The close-up photo shows balls of Turquoise crystals. They are naked-eye visible, but more fun with a microscope or loupe. This particular specimen has some unidentified balls of green crystals for added interest, and a good amount of fibrous Chlorite especially on the sides. Galleries
of Sold Specimens: Agates Sold Calcites Sold Mont St-Hilaire Sold |
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